Guide: Installing Netcam Studio on Windows Server 2012 R2 Essentials

I have been running Netcam Studio on my Windows Server 2012 R2 Essentials server at home for over a year. The installation and configuration was simple.

Install Netcam Studio

  1. Download Netcam Studio for Windows
  2. Copy installer files to \\{server}\Company\Software\Server\
  3. Remote Desktop into Server as an Administrator
  4. Open {drive]:\ServerFolders\Company\Software\Server\
  5. Run the Netcam Studio installer as an administrator and complete the installation
  6. Open Services
  7. Locate Netcam Studio Service and double click
  8. Check Startup type is set to to Automatic

Initial Netcam Studio Configuration

  1. Remote Desktop into Server as an Administrator
  2. Open Netcam Studio Client and connect
  3. Select Settings, Access Control, Edit User Admin, set password
  4. Select Settings, Access Control, Add User for viewing, set password, set rights:View Library, View All Sources
  5. Select Settings, Settings, Library, and set:
  • Path to local library: {drive}:\ServerFolders\Company\Security\
  • Retention Period:28 Day
  • Maximum library size: 0 GB
  1. Select Settings, Notifications & synchronization, and set:
  • Email plugin Enabled with appropriate SMTP settings
  • Google Drive plugin Enabled with appropriate settings
  • Dropbox plugin Enabled with appropriate settings

Network Camera Configuration - In this example I am using FOSCAM C1 cameras

  1. Connect camera via ethernet cable
  2. Use FOSCAM IPCamera tool to locate camera
  3. Connect to the camera IP address via Internet Explorer with browser plugin loaded
  4. Update the password
  5. Rename the camera
  6. Update the firmware
  7. Change the IP address and port (e.g.,, etc.)
  8. Configure the camera to connect to your wireless SSID
  9. Disconnect power supply, remove ethernet cable, place in position, power up, then test

Add Network Cameras to Netcam Studio

  1. Remote Desktop into Server as an Administrator
  2. Open Netcam Studio Client and connect
  3. Select Home, Add Source, Custom URL, use the following settings:
  • Stream Type: MPEG4
  • Address: rtsp://username:password@localurl:rstpport/videoMain
  • Source Name: appropriate name
  1. Select Home, Views, Single View, hover over the image, right click then select Configure Features:
  • Motion Detection: Turn On
  • Motion Detection: Detection Zones: Edit, and mask the area to ignore
  • Timelapse: Turn On
  • Timelapse: Set Frame Interval to 1
  • Timelapse: Set Frame Interval Unit to Hour
  • Select Save
  1. Hover over the image, right click then select Scheduler:
  • Select Timelapse, then select: All days, all times
  • Select Motion, then select: Sat-Sun 0100-0600, Mon-Fri 0100-0600 and 0800-1700
  • Select Save

Configure Remote Access - using a Netgear router

  1. Open Internet Explorer and navigate to router settings
  2. Select Advanced, Advanced Setup, Port Forwarding / Port Triggering
  • Click Add Custom Service
  • Service Name: Netcam Studio
  • Service Type: TCP/UDP
  • External Starting Port: 8100
  • External Ending Port: 8100
  • Internal IP Addres: {static IP address of your server}
  1. Using a desktop browser, connect to http://yourexternalipaddress:8100/ and test
  2. Using a mobile browser, connect to Netcam Studio and test

Any questions, please let me know and I’ll do what I can to address them.

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Great Instructions but having trouble figuring out what i should use and what I should substitute.
Address: rtsp://username:password@localurl:rstpport/videoMain

Is this correct? This is what I used.
where 8311 is the http port for the webcam

Given your information, this is what you should try:
rtsp://[username]:[password]@[camera address]:[camera rstp port]/videoMain

Hi there,

If that is what you used and it works it is correct. If it do not work read the following.
The Address is a little bit cryptic. We usually write it like this
Assuming that it is the Foscam C1 you have.
The rtsp-port is usually port 554 for rtsp, but Foscam sometimes also use port 88. In Netcam Studio there is a predefined template for Foscam C1 that you can use. Or you can use the tab for Custom URL to add the camera. For the tab Custom URL use:
Set stream type to rtsp_tcp
If port 554 do not work use port 88.
If you have changed the rtsp port in the camera to 8311 you need to use that port number.

Here you have a complete information about the Foscam C1 Accessing camera Foscam C1 for video and audio at remote location - #27 by NickM

It also support ONVIF so when adding the camera you can use the tab for ONVIF Source.


2 posts were split to a new topic: Connecting Foscam R2 to NCS