Inconsistancy disk usage


I found an other problem this time it is the displayed disk usage in NCS against real disk usage as you can see on the screenshot the Total size showed is 34GB but on disk it is 100GB (I selected the widest period so it include all possible records)


I did some video cleaning and the total size is still the same (and still false) and now the video counter show about 800 pics counting difference between selected period and total but selected period inlude all the dates actually available in Recordings folder as you can see.

I did further investigation, it seems that I ran out of physical disk space of this 320GB partition (before I did some cleaning like showed in previous message) so the 50GB max storage setting did not work at all :frowning:

And more strange is that log files showed low space error and stopped recording :slight_smile:

Log Jan 15 2017

(Warning @ 20:53:45.347 Source(1).StopRecording No Best Frame available from Motion Detector. Default Thumbnail will be used.
(Warning @ 20:54:05.440 Source(1).StartRecording Disk Space low on C [246 MB]. Recording cancelled.
(Warning @ 20:54:17.369 Source(1).StopRecording Stop recording received [MotionDetector] while recording is already Stopped
(Warning @ 20:54:25.683 Source(1).StartRecording Disk Space low on C [232 MB]. Recording cancelled.

Log Jan 16 2017

(Warning @ 00:00:12.271 Source(0).StartRecording Disk Space low on C [92 MB]. Recording cancelled.
(Warning @ 00:00:18.479 Source(1).StartRecording Disk Space low on C [92 MB]. Recording cancelled.
(Warning @ 00:00:28.479 Source(1).StopRecording Stop recording received [MotionDetector] while recording is already Stopped
(Warning @ 00:00:33.115 Source(1).StartRecording Disk Space low on C [92 MB]. Recording cancelled.
(Warning @ 00:00:39.561 Source(0).StopRecording Stop recording received [MotionDetector] while recording is already Stopped
(Warning @ 00:00:52.182 Source(1).StopRecording Stop recording received [MotionDetector] while recording is already Stopped

OK Now I am pretty sure there is a bug in NCS, I deleted a lot of videos down the 14 Jan (but not all) and now the Total counter is finally decreasing.

So at one moment NCS stopped to count the records (stopped to add them to database ?) but continued to physically store records on disk

Yes, it is a problem that have been haunting us for some time with an inconsistency between the Library database and what is stored/deleted on the disk. NCS will stop recording when it is only 250 MB left.
Thanks for valuable information about this. it is forwarded immediately.

One missing feature is some “database verify” button that permit to check/repaor/synchronize between records in database and physical disk storage and then apply fix if needed (deleting record from database if file not found on disk or adding record in database if physical files have no entry in database and this can be easily done reading the video file name on disk that show the source camera number the date and time).

If I had time I could write some tool for that.


fyi, you can do a manual reindex:

Can you do a re-indexing of your NCS files by:

  1. Change Library location to just another folder on the C drive. NCS will create the folders and start to save.
  2. Change Library back to the original location. Now it will give you a notice that the folder is not empty and if you want to keep these files. Click on yes. Now the re-indexing process will start and take some time depending on the number of files.

I also suggested to have a more user friendly way to do this: No recordings for 4 days because of full disk - #14 by mitch2k

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Thanks for the info will try it.

Hi guys,
Yes, this one way of doing it and re-indexing the Library. This is of cause a short term solution and we are really trying to find the problem and from there a permanent solution. I have myself this problem in my systems. Only a very few files that are left, but to many. We have an extensive logging function which hopefully will direct us to when, where and why this happens.