Moving my license to another computer

I currently have a 64-source license running on my PC. However, I want to move it to another workstation. What is the proper process?


Hi. I had to do the same for some months ago. The license number seems to be coded together with a hard ware ID of the computer. Therefore, they have to release the license number in their server so that you can move it. I contacted the technical support, see web page and they forwarded me to correct person. I assume this is a secure way to avoid copies. -Henrik

Send a mail to the support with your license info so that we can reset it.


I tried that but i received no response after several days.

Does tech support read the webform submissions?
If not, is there an email address to use?


Hi Bruce,
Have you written to them now?
Web form for license issues. Forum for the rest.


Any idea how long it takes to get an answer from the support team? I’m also waiting now several days to get a new license after I’ve installed my purchased version on a new PC.
I’ve used the web contact form; maybe that was wrong?


Hi there,
Sorry for this! Licensing questions use the web contact form. Technical support use the forum. However, …
I will take action just now!

Short update here.
I tried to register again and it worked now with my existing license on the new PC.
Seems that someone has resetted the license. :slight_smile:
Thanks a lot!!!


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