I bought a fairly cheap camera. It works well with the software provided. I want to add it to my moonware camera list, but the manuacturer does not show up.
Is it this camera?
If it is correct there is a lot of good information on that site.
1.the camera support ONVIF so add the camera in NCS using the tab for ONVIF source. If you need to add the port it should be 8080
2.you can also add the camera using the tab for Custom URL. Set stream type to rtsp_tcp and use one of the URLs:
- rtsp://username:password@cameraIP:554/11 (First bit stream)
- rtsp://username:password@cameraIP:554/12 (Second bit stream)
- rtsp://username:password@cameraIP:554/13 (Third bit stream)
I hope this works.
Thanks Henrik,
It is indeed this camera. I will follow your instructions and come back if it works (or not ;>))
Please let us know how this worked out. I’m still in the Webcam-XP world and so far only use wired (USB) cameras. I’d like to get an IP camera or two to extend my viewing ability without spending a fortune, but would like some confirmation this camera should work before buying and waiting for the slow ship from China. Thanks for any info!