Netcam Studio 1.3.6

There is no test button for RTSP. It’s only available for JPEG / MJPEG presets.

As for the CPU load, i didn’t make very deep evaluation but mainly followed up the cpu usage of Netcam Studio to compare both modes.

On my dev and test computers recording would consume about 4-6% when encoding in real-time, with the MJPEG recording (which more intensively uses HDD btw) it’s around 1-3%. Then of course the background encoding is intensive but usually quick (it will take 1-2 seconds for 30 seconds video again on my main 2 computers I used to evaluate).

The big interest is when recording multiple cameras. You may have ended up in situation when you need 80% of your CPU to record and encode 4-5 sources at time, now at least it will only encode 1 video at time. The encoding process has a low priority so it should not much too penalize Netcam Studio if it requires power to record but anyway it requires some testing and benchmarking to really have confirmation that it’s more efficient. To me It seems to be more efficient in all cases but maybe i’m wrong…

For the time it’s an option and it’s disabled by default… Anyway the real-time encoding is still required for streaming (the Live mode) which is the exact same module than the real-time encoding for recording so there is no reason to remove it and making this an option seemed logical.