Of the 5 identical camera’s I have issues with one, so I am leaning toward a hardware issue.
About once a week this 1 camera just disconnects. but its not the Blue screen as if I unplugged it, it has the last image frozen as a still, has a blue bars at the top and bottom of the frame instead of grey, and constantly reports 1 fps. I immediately login to the camera though its own webui, and verify its working fine. Then I fire up netcam studio, Edit Video Source, re-query the ONVIF profiles, pick the same one, save it, and it’s fixed. for about a week.
Any idea what could cause this? and is there anything I can adjust in Netcam studio to some how just force it to reconnect some how periodically, or something along those lines?
Yes, that’s annoying. Login to the camera and see if you can change decoder, h264/h265. Test to change some other parameter that has to do with data transmission. When you add the camera by ONVIF select another profile and test.
Since it is quite popular to buy these no-name cameras from China I bought a couple of them for test and some works well and some don´t. Looks good on paper, but in reality not always as expected.
Since the last update I’ve had the same problem - up until this point it has worked for a few years without issue.
The camera in question is a wireless one in a lift, depending on where the lift is, it can occasionally hit a dead spot in the wifi coverage (the building is 5 floors high)
Have there been changes in Netcam Studio that would cause the reconnecting / self-healing to be less reliable?
The workaround is to disable the source using the client, then re-enable it again.
This is a pain though, because the camera freezes more or less every day.
The new encoder/decoder libraries are a little more narrow specified and that can cause cameras that have not so good electronics or are old problems especially for rtsp. Here are some suggestions in no specific order. You can test to use rtsp_udp. Also in the camera change parameters like fps, bit rate, quality etc. and see if that helps. Also switch between h.264 and h.265. Change to jpg or mjpeg that do not use that decoder. If the cameras support ONVIF standard select another profile.
Have already tried reducing the fps all the way down to 1 fps and the resolution as low as I can without the image being useless. Will try rtsp_udp and see how reliable that is, good shout as UDP should be a bit more resilient shouldn’t it.
I just started having this problem too.(1.9.5) I have many different types and brands and they are all dropping/losing connection periodically. It started a couple of months ago. If I 'edit video source…" and simply check it again (without changing anything) it comes back. Disconnecting the source and reconnecting doesn’t work as reliably. It’s been working great for a long time up until just recently.
I’ve tried a few with different profiles but doesn’t seem to make a difference. Sometimes, even if I restart Netcam studio, it still doesn’t connect to the cameras unless I do the step above.
This sentence “It’s been working great for a long time up until just recently.” makes me always suspicious. So what happened recently? It seems to ba basic problem for all cameras and not only to one. it is very difficult to say, but I would guess a WIndows Update that changed things. The easiest way to do this is to make a clean installation How to make a clean installation of Netcam Studio
In the same folder that you have the Lic.dat file there is also the file Server.config. This file includes all configurations for the cameras. So copy also that to a safe place. When NCS is installed again copy both Lic.dat and Server.config back to the folder. If that works all is fine. If not delete the file Server.config as well and restart and add the cameras again.
Its been a while since I visited this topic, the same camera location still has performance issues. . I have replaced the camera outright, and while the new one does work better, its still does not perform as well as the rest of my cameras. It has a much lower frame rate, and only works (somewhat) reliably on a JPEG profile, while the rest of my cameras work well on RTSP profiles. My current suspicion is the ethernet cable is the issue here. I’m in the process of re-running ALL my ethernet cabling, so if this fixes it I will report back.
Can´t you just put the camera where the computer is and connect to nearest switch to test? Jpeg always go on a slow FPS. If you can connect to wifi test that.