Adding Smartec STC-IPM3077A camera

Hi! I’ve got trouble trying to make Smartec cameras work with Netcam Studio. Since there is no smartec (the spelling is correct) brand in the list I tried to substitute it with a random one. So far no success. The camera should support onvif, but I can’t find it with device browser in onvif mode.
Is there a way to add a custom camera and make it work? Or could you suggest some other brand to try as a replacement?
Thank you.

If you are using Netcam Studio I suggest this. I think that your camera communicate using the rtsp protocol. So in NCS add the camera using Custom URL with Stream Type RTSP_TCP. Enter the URL as rtsp://user:passwd@camera-ip-number/xx

xx: check the manual of the camera to see what xx should be. Maybe xx is just blanks or it can something else. You should also be able to find that info when you enter the settings in the camera.

Adding using ONVIF do not work that well in NCS, unfortunately. Please, report back how it goes to share with others.

Check this: Problems adding a supported camera - Bosch NBC-255-P


Thank you for your advice but could you be more specific about that xx part? Are they digits or letters? I can’t find it in the manual. Did by entering the settings in the camera you mean accessing it via web? Don’t see it there either.
In other words I don’t quite know what I’m looking for.

The xx part can be a number, letters, a file name … It depends on the manufacturer of the camera. You mentioned it is an onvif compliant camera so I would guess that you can skip the xx and just enter (in NCS and Custom URL) rtsp://user:passwd@camera-ip-number/ and see what is happening. It might work. Look in the last part of the link above.

When you enter the IP number of the camera in your web browser and connect to the camera it asks for login and password. Look for rtsp. All this should be in the manual of the camera.

Yeah sorry, I forgot about the link you provided. No information in the manual. And unfortunately it does not work with rtsp://user:passwd@camera-ip-number/. I contacted the manufacturer. They promised to send me rtsp requests. I’ll post them here as soon as I get the email.

So they sent me a table with URLs for each port and codec. In my case it was
rtsp://ip:rtspport1/PSIA/Streaming/channels/1?videoCodecType=MPEG4. Rtspport1 is just standard 554 port.

I can upload the table they sent me if you want, but the general pattern is the same as in the example above.
Thank you for your help!

Well, that was not the easiest url that I can think about ;). However, excellent that you got a quick support from the manufacturer and that it works.
I think the URL above is good enough when someone else is looking for the URL for this camera.
Thanks, Henrik