Always recording and motion detection simultaneously, for a potential licence buyer

I am looking to buy a licence of netstudio.
However, i cant find a way to understand how to manage the following.

I’m running 8 camera
I need to record 24/7 but also need to have motion detection enable.
This part is done as i have used the scheduler on all cam to enable recording AND motion detection
However, i see my recording being done in the library section, i can browse the timeline using the webclient but cant figure out a way to look only at motion detection events.

I hope someone can open up the light for me :wink:

This is not possible today, but I agree we need to check what we can do about this since you are not the only one asking for this.
However, I did some experiment and I found a work-around for the time being.
-Schedule continuous recording.
-Schedule motion detection.
-Create a rule that on motion detection do a capture and saves it to the same camera.

In the Library, Win client or running NCS X, you will have the continuous recording and also a capture when motion was detected. You cannot see this in the web client timeline.

Check this and see if you can survive and we will see if we can do something about this.


I’ll try this work around.