Having searched this forum for my issue I found only one post that was not helpful.
So I hope I can get some help here.
Phone: Galaxy S8
Androidv: 7.0.1
App: Latest from Play store
Netcam Studio Server: V1.6.1.0 on Windows 10, 64-bit
Installation procedure:
- Running setup
- Adding my own account and removing admin
- Opening router ports 8100 and 8124
- Installing app and connecting with my phone
Whenever I enter the Netcam studio app I must always manually “connect” to my server… I guess this stops notifications from working?
Since I dont receive any and my server outputs the error below the GIF
Have I missed something crucial? Running a free account at the moment
Notifications error:
Error details:
Error while sending Push Notifications to 1 device(s).
Exception Detail:Det fanns inte någon slutpunkt som lyssnade på https://my.netc.am:9100/Soap/ som kunde acceptera meddelandet. Detta beror ofta på en felaktig adress eller SOAP-åtgärd. Du hittar mer information i det interna undantaget (i förekommande fall).
Google translate to english for convenience :
Error while sending Push Notifications to 1 device (s).
Exception Detail: There was no endpoint listed on https://my.netc.am:9100/Soap/ who could accept the message. This is often due to an incorrect address or SOAP action. You will find more information in the internal exception (if applicable).