Armcrest 4K POE Camera working in Netcam Studio

I just wanted to share that I was able to get Armcrest 4K POE bullet camera working in Netcam Studio.
It is model IP8M-2496EB Here on Amazon

AND was also able to get the camera to work with HOMEKIT via Homebridge for AppleTV. I used the FFmpeg plugin with the following string:
-i rtsp://USERNAME:PASSWORD@INTERNALIP:554/cam/realmonitor?channel=1&subtype=0

This sting works as is without any other setting changes. If you find tweaks that improve the stream feel free to share.

Hope this helps!


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Hi Matthew,
Thanks alot for information. Nice camera.
An alternative: Most likely the camera support the ONVIF standard so when adding the camera use the tab for ONVIF Source and click on Browse. Then you will have more profiles to select from.

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If I setup via ONVIF, the device browser finds the camera, but when I click on Get Profiles, I get an indication that the computer is working, but then nothing else appears to happen.

Make sure that the password do not include special characters and test also with the default password.

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You were right (didnt like the characters in the passcode) and ONVIF now works like a charm!