Hi, I am piping the log data from Netcam Studio into my instance of Splunk. Basically, it allows me the ability to aggregate the data and look for anomalies. Currently, I’ve setup an alert to email me when someone successfully logs into Netcam. I also have another alert which checks the IPs that hit the web login page and correlate those IPs against known malicious IPs and Hackers.
Is anyone else using third party software to aggregate the data? If so, what do you use it for?
Also, what does “Id #7” and “Id #8” and “Id #9” mean in this log item?
|Information|16:08:29.928|StreamEncoder.Audio.GetStreamFeed|New User Connected (Total: 1) with Id #9|908|349.24MB|
|Information|16:08:02.209|StreamEncoder.Audio.GetStreamFeed|New User Connected (Total: 1) with Id #8|889|292.90MB|
|Information|16:01:37.426|StreamEncoder.Audio.GetStreamFeed|New User Connected (Total: 1) with Id #7|830|296.11MB|