Buttons and icons


Are you planning to upgrade the icons (graphics)? My honest opinion, they look terrible and somewhat reminds me of Windows 3.1 icons.
I don’t know if there are any limitation of colors and/or ideas, but they do not look very sleek and minimalistic which i think they should.

You don’t have to fill all the available options on the bar on top just make them available. and you should have an option to “hide icons/buttons”. It may look messy for some users.

Things to consider making it a more pleasant to work with is:

  • Consider is to have the possibility to customize where they should be located.
  • Move “source ordering " to settings”
  • Move “connected users” to settings
  • Change icon for “Access control” looks very much like a “system settings” or similar configuration symbol.
  • Move “notification and sync” to settings
  • Move “generate html” to settings
  • Change icon for “Rule Manager”. Looks very “RED ALERT / CRITICAL”.
  • Change the “Global Variables” icon. " T " what is that really? No meaning at all with that symbol.
  • Create a dedicated “Log / Event” pane with “users connected”, “Server status”, “license control”, etc
  • Move “Enter license” under “About” ( the " I "). The Key symbol if often taken for encryption / decryption, change it plz.
  • " I " for about? Well, I’m out of words…

If Netcam Studio is going to be used for professional services I will have to look professional. The logo (owl) update was a real good one, but there is a lot of work left to do until it looks smooth and intuitive.

If you need any assistance with creating new icons, feel free to ask.

Best Regards
Mads Midtsaeter

Hello Mads,

They were changed about 1 month ago because in the previous set I couldn’t find representative icons for all the different features / needs of NCS.

Anyway, if you want to suggest a new icon set then feel free to submit an icon set (maybe start by the 20 icons visible by in this top bar / context menu).

I see 2 topics here, one is the icons itself on which I could consider to change if you have something concrete to suggest.

If it’s the case then I can provide you the current set (with naming convention and sizes) and my direct email address so that we further work on this together if you manage to convince me.

The rest, regarding placement / customization is not going to be considered at this stage (essentially for technical reasons). Requests like moving screen under settings is quite delicate considering how netcam studio is designed and that we already share these components between netcam studio x and client.

Also things like the connected users will never go under settings, since:

  1. it’s not a setting
  2. it’s important and needs to be quickly available if you use netcam studio to stream on your webpage

Same for generate html, i agree it’s not a feature you use every day but still it’s not a setting. The only area which potentially could be grouped in the notification / sync settings

Another thing, I’m not going to pay for custom icons development. I have no problem with buying sets of existing icons if it’s required but for this (we speak about 80 icons), but custom design for icons is not an option.

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Any news on this @mads_m ?

Hi Steve,

Sorry. Have had too much work lately. I got the task on my desktop, and I’ll get started as soon as I got some spare free time.
I will send you an update.


Next version will have flat icons but it won’t be before next week as it’s a long weekend starting here and i’m leaving tomorrow morning.

Looks much better. I will try to make some minimalistic icons and see how they work as well.
Keep up the good work Steve!


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