I have a camera that used to work in version, however since upgrading to I can’t get it to connect to the camera. I can’t remember the camera model (I’m at work at the moment), however getting the camera to work is not my immediate concern at the moment. What I’m interested in, is the following message in the event log:
Exception (Web) using http://www.gwelltimes.com:80/manage/Upload/Pic/20147914514701.jpg
Exception Detail:The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.
Any ideas why I’m getting this message?
First about the camera. There are some changes in how the camera settings are saved in version 151 so most likely you need to right click with the mouse when pointing on the image that says not connect. Select Edit camera settings. Go to the same tab where you added the camera. The information should be there. Save this information again. Now NCS should connect to the camera.
About the error 404. Explain a little bit more about what you do and when you get this. This was a new one for me, but it seems that the web server is not running or missing? Something went wrong in the instillation process? Take care of the camera above first and then do a re-installation of NCS.
Hi Henrik,
Thank you very much for your reply.
I have managed to get the camera to work after removing & reconnecting. The URL I mentioned in the original post had been placed in the ‘Custom URL’ tab. How it got there, I have no idea.
Anyway, all sorted now.
Thanks again for your assistance.
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