Can not connect with mobile client on iPhone to Netcam Studio X web server with SSL

I have Netcam Studio X server version 1.2.8 running with SSL enabled. I can connect from a web browser with https://ipadrress:8100 successfully using IE on Windows , Safari on an iPhone, and from the Mobile client web page. I’m unable to connect using the Netcam Studio Mobile client on my iPhone. I get an error “Login Failed” " Error Connection Refused". I am enabling the “Use HTTPS/SSL” setting in the mobile client on my iPhone just like I did on the mobile client web test page. Is there something else I need to set?

We haven’t tried this scenario for quite some time. Are you using a real SSL certificate or a self-signed one ?

It could be that iOS doesn’t accept self-signed.

Do you have possibility to create a test account on your server and send the info to so that we can give it a try ?

I am using a self-signed cert. I should have mentioned that. Yes, I can setup a test account to try and send the connection info to the support email address.

Did you guys soved this problem? I am having the same problem and it would be good to know how did you overcome this problem.