I am trying to convert to Netcam Studio form iSpy.
I’m trying to connect to my camera using RTSP_TCP with rtsp://admin:****@ (same settings as iSpy).
Port 80 or 554 makes no difference.
I can use that same address in VLC and it works just fine & I can use that address in ispy camera software and it works.
Netcam studio not working (but) vlc is showing video just fine.
ONVIF Source doesn’t work for these cameras. I search for the camera - enter in the user and password. click on Get Profiles. Get nothing in return for Profile selection.
Alright … I see that you are responding @Henrik - but I installed netcam on a vm of windows 10 and installed netcam software and the cameras are working using rtsp_tcp rtsp://admin:****@ …
So something is stuck on the install on my Dedicated windows 10 pro pc… ARGH
Yes, very strange!
Change ch0 to ch1 or ch2 if that makes any difference:
AH Right! … So I did the old delete everything in C:\ProgramData\Moonware\Netcam Studio\Server - Now its letting me add the camera using - rtsp://admin:****@
So NetCam is not fully removing the cameras when you delete them form the server gui. That is super annoying …