I have a Dahua HD Mini IR Fixed Network Camera.
Is this supported by Netcam Studio?
I have managed to connect and see images through my camera on my PC but am unsure if this is sufficient as the model numbers list on Studio X do not match my camera.
I have downloaded the User Manual V1.0. The software in Version 1.7. The screen Shots in the manual do not match the screen shots I am viewing. Is there an updated manual.
I have followed the steps of downloading NetCam Studio but cannot see it running as a service using Task Manager in Windows 10. I understand it is not an application so it does not appear as a Program under the Start button.
All in All I am having a frustrating time.
I do not want to remain a free member but will not sigh up if I can’t have certain questions resolved and Moon do not take enquiries unless you have signed up!
How can I access th eproduct if I can’t obtain simple answers to some simple questions?
I wrote my first computer program in 1967 (for money) and have worked consistently in IT since. I hold an MSc in Computer Science so do have a basic understanding of most things technical.
I hope the problems are caused by my mis-steps - any ideas welcome
Hi Joe,
There are many models of this camera. Which one do you have? Supply a link to the specifications.
Usually IP cameras support the ONVIF standard so when adding the cameras to NCS use the tab for ONVIF Source and test.
Here is information about running as a service Using Netcam Studio Service
If that do not work they have also been very kind to support the correct URL
rtsp://admin:admin@cameraIP:554/cam/realmonitor?channel=1&subtype=0 - Main stream
rtsp://admin:admin@cameraIP:554/cam/realmonitor?channel=1&subtype=1 - Sub stream
When adding this use the tab for Custom URL and set stream type to rtsp_tcp
Here username:password is admin:admin but use what you have.
Hi Joe! I am happy you are better!
From the camera specification it support the ONVIF standard. So when you add the camera use the tab for ONVIF source.
Click on Browse. There you should find the camera in the listing. Click on that camera and go back to the tab. Enter username and password and click on Get profiles.
There you should have different profiles and select one. Save that and now you should have the video image from the camera.