Has anyone used an ESP 32 Cam with NetCam Studio?

Has anyone used an ESP 32 Cam with NetCam Studio?

ESP 32 Cam is a wifi/BT development board and wifi camera like this (https://randomnerdtutorials.com/esp32-cam-video-streaming-face-recognition-arduino-ide/)

I have built one ad set it up as a CamServer and connected it to my WiFi Network but not sure how to connect it to NetCamStudio as a source?

Doing so would allow me to build wifi cameras around my home for less than £10 - so that’s my objective.

Hi there,
Sounds like a fun project and record in a low cost camera :slight_smile:
To connect to NCS the camera must stream in rtsp which is a stream encoded in h.264 or h.265 or an mjpeg stream. When you have that URL you add the camera using the tab for Custom URL. So it is quite simple. The challenge is to make the camera stream, I assume :slight_smile:
I did some googling on this “ESP 32 Cam rtsp stream” or “ESP 32 Cam mjpeg stream” and there are quite a few link pointing to Github. I found these link quite good that include some videos for connecting to VLC. If it works in VLC it will work in Netcam Studio.

From one of the videos I got this when the cameras were setup for streaming in rtsp

The URL is rtsp://cameraIP:8554/mjpeg/1
if the camera use credentials use the URL

In NCS use the tab for Custom URL. Set stream type to rtsp_tcp and paste the above URL in the Address field.

If you setup a system that stream in mjpeg it seems that the URL is http://cameraIP/mjpeg/1
In NCS use the tab for Custom URL. Set stream type to MJPEG and add the URL to the Address field.

So if you can fix the streaming server for rtsp or mjpeg is can connect to Netcam Studio as above.

Good luck and please report back how it goes!

thanks fr the reply - will check this out and let you know!

ok with a couple of tweaks I got this working but in NetCamStudio I get a message that says “Unlicensed Source. For Evaluation Only.”

why is that?

Because it’s free for two sources. More sources you need a license.

Works great!

Excellent! Thanks for the feedback.