Finally it works! One sort of important information was the NCS-source encoding to be H264_AAC ;). H264_MP3 works also, but with degraded audio quality. First it only worked with NCS X for the source and then it was NCS Target settings … Now I can reproduce it and it is stable for the source NCS X and service and NCS Target with the template. Very interesting! I suggest I write a guide for this. Here comes a short version.
I was looking for a possibility to use an external USB microphone to get the sound into my central NCS system where I can do audio detection and where I have all my other cams. Also to correlate the video from the cam on the same location with the high end audio system. Problem is that usb cables are about 2-3 meter maximum and different types of usb extenders to not work with real-time systems like audio and video.
NCS - Source
I have an old laptop with win10 and NCS installed called NCS source. Start NCS X or NCS service. Add a source with Local Source / Webcam and use the built in webcam as the video source and as audio source enable the external usb microphone.
NCS - Target
On my computer, located in my server room, I have also NCS installed. Add a source with the template in the tab Network Camera. The source number must correspond to the same number as the webcam have on NCS - Source.
Test connection and the important part is the green icon for the audio. An easy real-time check is to enable audio detection and have a look at the bar graph when talking into the mic.
Have fun and feel free to have comments for improvements, usage or …