Laggy and return link

Hi there again!

1.Concerning the first part about slow response.
All these symptoms are due to capacity problems. It can be:

  • the computer that runs NCS is to slow resulting in a high CPU load,
  • a slow Internet connection from the computer running NCS to the Internet,
  • a slow Internet connection of the people that complains. If the complains are only from a few people and they always have problems this is most likely the issues. If all your customers have this problems it is most likely the connection speed from the NCS computer.

The video streams are from HD cams and this demands an adequate Internet connection on both sides. I am connecting to the site just now in the middle of the night with no problems at all and I am in Sweden which have a 7h time difference.

In our last discussion on December 16 Cams not showing - #24 by Henrik we discussed several of these things so have a look there also. That discussion ended with that you would buy a new computer and get a faster connection to Internet. Is that done?

I am checking the system now at about 9.30 am your time and it very much slower. Your CPU load is about 85-90% which is high, but not the main problem here. So somewhere there is a problem with the connection speed.

2.Bypass the login screen.
You can make a separate html page and embed the html code for the 4 video streams. You did that in our last discussion. You get the html code from NCS. In that code you will have a Token that includes login parameters to NCS. Important to know is that everyone can see the videos and not only customers.

3.NCS logo on upper left corner
If you create a separate html page as above this issue is solved. If you want to continue with the web client you can edit the html code of the web client since it is open source. If you do that just remember to keep track of this code since an upgrade of NCS will overwrite that code. The code is in the folder named WebServer.

4.Mail to support
The support mail address usually handles questions about licensing. The rest I usually handle in this forum ;). About the spam, thanks for info! Did you send the mail directly from your email program or did you use the contact page?

Good luck and thanks,