Library retention not working

@Mikhail_Burilov. here are some new findings that I promised. You have the Library file at

Server2003 / NCS 120RC2 / 2 days / 20 GB.

Here is how it looks like:
Folder Thumnails is full of folders. All of them are empty except 20150723 and 20150722. In the 20150722 you can see the oldest file is from 20170722 - 23.59

For the Recordings it looks like this with the oldest file in the last picture:

The folders from 0718 to 0722 have a lot of files in them. I had to delete old files in the Recordings since I was out of space. Therefore, it only goes to 20150718.


Hi! There was a bug with thumbnail folders which were left empty. This one is fixed.

Good! Looking forward to the new release!

Ive been away for some time on holliday. Tested the new version now, and it deleted most of the library, so that the 10 day retention seems to work now.