I have a question about the library view of the android app.
When I create a user, it can only watch up to 32 videos if it is on All Source. When I select the camera on the Source filter, there are a few more.
If I log in as an administrator, I can view everything.
How can I ensure that a user can also view everything?
Interesting, I have never tested that. Can be an indexing bug. If you test with the web client. Same limitation there?
Can you see all cameras live?
Can you please test this. In the user settings do not mark All Sources. Mark all the individual cameras instead. How is that working?
(User setting only the cam 2) If i select All Source in de client, i see not all the pictres from today. If i select the camera 2, i see no pictures…
(User setting all cams) If i select All Source in de client, i see all the pictures from today from cam 2 and 1, If i select the camera 2 i see all and if i select cam 1 i see all.
(User setting only the cam 1) If i select All Source in de client, i see not all the pictres from today from cam 1. If i select the camera 1, i see all the pictures.
If I need to test something else I’d love to hear about it.
I hope you can do something.
Thanks for your assistance. I have been testing this and it works as it should. Be aware of when selecting cameras in the user account the camera indexing starts from 0 and it starts from 1 in the App.
There is a problem as you mention when seleting All Sources and only one Source is enabled in the user account. This do not show all recordings. However, if selecting the actual source it works correct. This is a small thing since it works when selecting the correct source, but I will write a report for that.
It is indeed a small thing. It doesn’t bother me either because I can see both cameras. Only my father is only allowed to watch one, and he is now running into the problem.
I hope there will be an update for this in the future.