Moonware Universal Source Filter with several cameras

Hello Henrik,

in september we had a topic concerning unsupported Edimax cams. You showed me how to connect webcam7 and edimax cams with moonware universal source filter. Now I bought 5 new Foscams C1 (not supperted by you) and tried to connect them to webcam 7 pro aus follows:

cam1 rtsp:// (Foscam C1)
cam2 rtsp:// (edimax IC7112w)
cam3 rtsp:// (Foscam C1)
cam4 in the same way 53
cam5 in the same way 54

Each camera has a different http port. Using a smartphone with IPCam Viewer using ddns all is correct. In webcam 7 pro on the right side the cams are mixed. Cam1 shoes the picture of cam3 for example. Sometimes cam 3 and 4 shoes the same stream.

I uninstalled webcam 7 and installed it again (version n1.5.3.0). Trying to connect one cam after another the same mistake appears or Webcam 7 captures the video of ip 52 allthough ip 54 ist settet. For me it is very important that the cameras hold the position in the right order. Cam1 on position 1 loads a picture as “cam_1.jpg” on ftp server, cam 2 on position 2 a picture as “cam_2.jpg”. Those names are integrated in my homepage.

Do you have an idea?

best regards


Hi Rainer!
A quick one. Did you check this?


Hi Henrik,

multiple instances support is activated (unfortunately).


Hi Henrik,

i I try to explain it in a different way:
on cam1 (ip 51) I can see instance #1 and picture of cam 5 ( normally ip 50), that is declared as instance #3. I have the impression, that webcam 7 does not save settings, although I pressed the button after installing each camera one after another.

with best regards


Hi Rainer,
Yes, I understand but I was hoping … ;).
Is it constant like this; cam1-instance1-pict from cam 5 or does it become for example cam1-instance1-pict from cam 4 when you restart webcam7?
It would be interesting if you could download Netcam Studio and install the cams in the tab Custom URL and see what happens.

Hi Henrik,

there is no sytem. At this time there are connected 5 (old) cams with template and 3 (new) cams using rtsp (cam 1,3,5). Cam 3 is Edimax ic 7112 (stream: ipcam_mjpeg.sdp), cam 1 (ip 51) and cam 5 (ip 50) are Foscams C1 (stream: videoMain). As long as I only connect one Foscam, webcam 7 works well. After adding the next Foscam, webcam 7 sometimes changes the positions of the rtsp cameras ore captures the same stream on 2 cameras or gets no connection (white picture).

I installed Netcam studio. In the preview I could see cam 1 und 5 at the same time by using custom url. More cams I could not see. I think the reason for this the free version that only supports 2 cams.

After re- installing webcam 7 some settings were still there from the uninstalled software. I think, the unistall did not succeed completely. Do you think that it is useful to delete some configurationfiles? What are these files (folder/name)?

Best regards



You should see all cams in NCS. The only thing that happens when you run NCS free version is that you have a red banner over the video from camera 3 and up. The IP cameras can only deliver one video stream at the time so run NCS or webcam7.

What worries me is that installing 1 Foscam works fine, but installing 2 Foscams gives you problems. Does it behave in the same way in both Webcam7 and NCS? When you install 1 Foscam and the Edimax is works fine? Even if you have 5 identical cams like to Foscam they are differentiated by the IP number.

Since it is random it must be something that are interfering with the Foscams and makes the software confused. Especially, since 1 work, but 2 no. Do you have something else running on the computer that can interfere with port 554 or something else on the LAN that can cause problems?

The uninstallation keep the configuration files. This is important when you do an upgrade so you do not need to setup the software again. As you say a good idea is to start all over and do a clean installation, remove ALL files including config files. Do this:

  • first use the installation program to remove the program.
  • go to C:\ProgramData where you have the folder webcam 7 and Moonware. Remove the content of these folders and then the folders itself. The folder ProgramData is a hidden folder so need you need to make that visible first.
  • in C:\Program Files (x86) you have folders for Netcam Studio, Webcam 7 and also for the Moonware Universal filter. Remove the folders including its content.
  • now, you can install again and start all over.

If this do not solve the problem can you make 2-4 Foscams public so I can install them on my system? I see that you use ddns already. I sent you a PM so we can exchange information. Also, very important is that these cameras deliver only 1 stream so you cannot run NCS, Webcam7 and IPcam Viewer at the same time! It might work, but it is not a stable solution.
