Motorola Focus 85 PTZ

Hey all,

Anyone know how to get the PTZ working on my Motorola Focus 85?

I have added the RTSP address, have perfect viewing and motion detection (except at night due to noise - but I can sort that) But sadly no PTZ appears when I add the RTSP URL (port 6667 on these)

ispy works fine with it,and PTZ works well but I like Netcam better.

commands it works with look like this:

You can also add 9.9 on the end of the above commands to pan / tilt the entire range if needed.

Any help appreciated (I don’t even get a PTZ picture ort buttons - have got the box marked “show PTZ while in multi view” but still nothing.

Thanks for information. I am a little uncertain about the commands. Usually they are left, right, up and down. What is backward and forward?

Hi Henrik,

move_backward = up

I can run the commands from a browser on any pc on my network and it controls the camera - would be great if I could somehow get them to control my camera without having to open up ispy / Motorola hubble app on my phone.

The PTZ commands are in ispy like so (I tried to type them but the html coding messed up the reply haha :smiley: :


Another point, you actually have the MBP85 listed under devices you support as well (although I connected via “custom URL” with the RTSP address - but the PTZ dfoesnt work

Thanks. The template for MBP85 is not complete so hopefully it can be there in an upcomming update.

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