Need help adding Hikvision DS-2CD2142FWD-I to WebcamXP

Hi, I have been using WebcamXP for more than 10 years. Really like it. I recently has to switch out a camera. I am trying to add this Hikvision DS-2CD2142FWD-I and since this model is not in the supported list. So, I tried using the model that I thought was similar but has no success. If anyone has any suggestion as to how to get it to work. I would really appreciate it. Thank you.

There are so many cameras on the market today that it is not possible to make templates for all of them. Therefore, we have created a Universal Source Filter that you can install and use in WebcamXP.
The source filter is here

and more information about how to use it is found here

I don´t know what other cameras you use, but have a look at Netcam Studio that handles that type of camera much better.


@Henrik, Thank you for your help. While trying your suggestion, WebcamXP is now stuck at loading a source “Connecting to source 4”. I even tried uninstall and re-install, still have the problem. Basically, my Webcam is not working now. I need to delete the bad setting but I couldn’t because I couldn’t get in to the program. I really appreciate if you can help me. Thank you. Steve

Typical! It seems that it is the configuration file that must be deleted. In ProgramData you have a folder for webcam. When you have uninstalled the program you have some files left there. Remove that folder. Also in ProgramrFiles or ProgramFiles x86 there is a folder for Webcam. It that is still there remove it. Install webcamxp again and start over.

When you add the camera in the source filter which URL do you use? I have two different ones here. I am not sure which one works.

Good luck,

@Henrik, Thank you very much. But I have my webcamxp installed in Windows Server 2012 and it has no ProgramData Folder. Do you know where else can the folder be in? Thanks again. Steve

@Henrik, never mind. I found Programdata folder. It is hidden. Thank you. Steve

@Henrik, I got the camera to work now. Both formats work. So, thank you very much for your help. I really appreciate it.

Thank you,
