Good, that was the easy part ;). A search gives that this problem occur with several other programs also that use the .net framework so probably not only a problem for NCS. It is a lot of forums debating this problem for windows 7. It seems to be an installation problem of the .net framework 4. I am not the expert on this so I hope that Admin can have a look also. Many people suggests to remove the framework and reinstall it again since windows update can create some problem. I am not the expert, but I would do that first.
You’r right, I use blob detection because it’s the best parameter I found to avoid false positive, especially on night vision cameras with low resolution (I have 5 cameras).
You will find in attachment the parameters I’m using.
I’m using the 64 bits version and the service is only using 250 MB of RAM (with no peak as far as I can see in our monitoring system). The CPU is usually between 5 and 10% (Core i3-3220, 4GB RAM)
I didn’t find anything suspect around the threads management and object lock for the blob detector.
I have however added some additional verifications before sending the data to process to OpenCV, not sure it will help but if you have a chance, please give a try to this version (1.3.2 dev) and report back if it helps or if you still have the problems:
Normally nothing related to audio encoding has changed so i’m not sure it’s related (+ it’s not the same error that has been reported about OpenCV just in both cases the service stops).
Is it the camera that you already had audio related issues with ?
In case of Netcam Studio crash, please reproduce the problem with Netcam Studio X so that you can submit a crash report.
For audio I have updated one library that deals with audio, I will see if I find anything suspicious around this but strange it has any impact. Do you have an idea of the audio format provided by this Logitech Camera (Format, Bitrate, Channels, …) ?
I have tried a Logitech Orbit and it’s fine for both Audio Streaming and Audio Recording.