The problem is when recording audio on the camera, in the recorded video file the audio is out of phase with the video, between 600 ms and 9000 ms. Camera Edimax IC-3140W configured in program as IC-3116W, setup 640x480. The FPS oscillate between 9 and 13.
The video file has variable frame rate, can I set a constant frame rate?
How can I solve that?
The URL is the same for the two cameras so that works fine. The FPS you see on the lower right corner is the FPS between camera and computer and depends on many things. The recorded frame rate is set in the Settings->Recordings. If the computer is not overloaded that camera should be no problems. Go to the config of the camera and change settings for parameters like FPS, constant/variable bitrate etc. When you get this 8 to 13 FPS is it in Multiview or Single view? You can set the FPS in the Settings->Client. The camera itself can also control the FPS depending on the light. If the light is too low the camera can limit the FPS to deliver the requested quality. Is it wifi or LAN? When the video and audio is out of phase is it in live view also or ?