P2P by XXCAMERA - How do I make it work?

Hi there

I have a new camera that works with ISPY but its not on your supported list.

Is there a way of getting it supported or alternative to making it work?


Please report here the exact brand / model + the url that works in VLC or other software.

You should be able to use it in Netcam Studio using the custom URL dialog until we prepare a proper template based on the information you can provide.

Hello Ken, I have a XXCamera. (Hardware version: XXK41E-V1.0)

I could get the video streaming, using Custom URL, RTSP_TCP:

But I still not able to view or using the PTZ controls.

Hi Alexander,
The rtsp will only give you video and audio. To also have the PTZ to work we need to make a template where rtsp and PTZ commands are combined since PTZ use http and video/audio use rtsp. To find the ptz commands are usually tricky and the network stream must be analyzed. A good start is if you can test your cam with a template for another camera and see if the ptz works. If you find that we can reuse the commands from that template and together with the working rtsp create a new template.
Good luck,