PoE Cam MISECU HD 720P MP in webcam XP

Hello everyone, has somebody experience to add the follow cam “MISECU HD 720P MP IP Camera 48V PoE” to webcam XP current version? The cam supports following Network protocol: TCP/IP UDP RTP RTSP RTCP HTTP WPA, WPA2, WMM, WMMPS, DNS DDNS DHCP FTP NTP PPPOE SMTP UPNP. I can´t implemented to webcam XP. I want to buy webcam xp and my testperiode will be over in few days, therefore many thanks in advance. T.

Hi T,
If you are only working with IP cameras I would recommend you to use Netcam Studio, www.netcamstudio.com instead since that is more easy to work with for IP cams and is the next generation of webcamXP/7.

However, this is how you do it in WebcamXP.

  • according to the specifications of the camera it supports the onvif standard which makes it easy to add to webcamxp.
  • after installing webcamxp you need to install the Universal Source Filter. See how to here Universal Source Filter - Moonware Studios . That filter is already built in NCS.
  • connect camera to LAN and follow the instructions for the filter.

Good luck,

Hello Henrik,
many thanks for the fast answer and support. I will test within the next days and give feedback.