Hi! I’m having problems adding a supported camera from Bosch (NBC-255-P). Test video connection fails with Timeout connecting to video source. Camera is available at ip-address with no problem.
NBC-255-P log:
2015/10/17 18:32:03 Login level: service
2015/10/17 18:32:03 Used ActiveX: BOSCH BVIP Live H264
2015/10/17 18:33:04 Register TCP: 80 - H.264
2015/10/17 18:33:06 Connected to
2015/10/17 18:33:15 Register TCP: 80 - H.264
2015/10/17 18:33:16 Connected to
2015/10/17 18:33:21 Disconnected from
Netcam Studio log:
(Error @ 18:11:37.169 - H:711 - M:114,83MB) Source(2).ExceptionCatcher Exception in VideoSource.NetCam.MJPEG.WorkerThreadMJPEG()
Exception Detail:Error in the application.
(Error @ 18:11:38.482 - H:711 - M:117,43MB) NetworkCamera:WorkerThreadMJPEG HTTP MJPEG Thread received Invalid Content-type: image/jpeg. Will retry in 5000ms.
I can happen that after a frimware upgrade the templates are not aligned anymore or that some settings needs to be changed in the camera first for the template to work.
The template tries to connect using MJPEG, do you have settings in the camera to make it stream in MJPEG rather than in H264?
Do you know the url / command to retried H264 stream from it which works in VLC so that you can use the same in NCS ?
I found a webpage with Bosch IP camera URL’s and the following URL works in VLC: rtsp://
In NCS, I add it under Edit Source as custom URL/RTSP (TCP) and fill out user/pass on Network Camera tab. No video and in Event Log I get Stream Event received [StoppedByUser].