Push not working - my.netc.am not reachable

i purchased NCS yesterday and I’m really happy with it.
But i have a problem, that the Push-Notification does not work. It seems, that NCS can not reach your server.

The error message is: “Error while sending Push Notifications to 1 device(s). Exception Detail: Es war kein an https://my.netc.am:9100/Soap/ lauschender Endpunkt vorhanden, der die Nachricht annehmen konnte.”

The server has an active internet connection and I also disabled the Firewall for testing purpose.
If i try to access https://my.netc.am:9100 from my mobile, i also does not get a connection.

Do you have server problems?

Hi Fabian,
Thanks for purchasing a license. Unfortunately, I cannot handle that server from here, but I will inform support about this.

It seems, that it’s working again. :slight_smile: I received my first push message. Thank you!

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