I’m having an issue where, when I put the information for a new source in NSX, I’m only getting one camera. I have multiple REO link systems, but right now I’m just trying to add one. On this system, there are 16 cameras, however, when I add the info, I’m only getting the one camera stream.
When you connect to a Reolink system each camera has a unique URL, for example
In NCS X you add each URL. You cannot add one URL for all cameras.
You have the basic URL for the system so you need to change something at the end to get the next camera. This is what I can say whithout more info.
To clarify, if I type in just the IP in the “Server IP/Host” field, I will get the first camera in the NVR, but when I type this in the way you mentioned (I’m sure I did it wrong, however - lol), it gets a timeout error.
We are getting closer
The Reolink RLC-410 is a specific camera. However, it is very interesting that you get the first camera when just write the IP number in that field. This is a little detective work
Do the following.
Use the tab for Custom URL:
Set stream type to rtsp_tcp
In address write:
username is: admin
password is what you use.
Save this and if we are lucky you will get the video from the first camera.
If this works select Add camera again and tab Custom URL. This is for camera 2
Now use:
Set stream type to rtsp_tcp
In address write:
username is: admin
password is what you use.
Save this and maybe camera 2 will also show up.
If this do not work we must take a closer look on that NVR, what model it is, to find that specific URL to address camera 1, camera2 etc.
It can also be this easy. Use
I’ll see if I can get something more going with this, here in a bit. I have around 44 cameras I need to add. It seems that maybe I will need to pay for a license if this is the case?
Excellent, but please write which URL that worked so the next user don’t have to guess .
44 cams need a license for 64 sources.
When you add the cameras keep an eye on the cpu and gpu load. Depending on what you want to do 44 cameras use a lot of resources. Use hardware acceleration.
I just added a Reolink RLC-830A camera to my system.
I went to this NCS Community Forum to get is added and found this thread.
Your May 28, '21 recommendation (Custom URL…rstp://…) did not work for me but I found a workable solution:
I identified the IP of the new camera and set it to be static with the router
I used the Reolink app on my phone to “configure” the camera and set the admin password
On the PC, I logged in with the URL static IP addy and the new password
– (the PC Security s/w complained with several certificate warnings… I disregarded them all)
In the camera settings,
a. I turned UPnP ON (it is off by default) but I do not know if this is necessary…I will test later
b. I turned on RTSP and the ONVIF function in “Server Settings / Advanced” (this is the key to success)
I connected to the camera with NCS using ONVIF and all is good.