I have tried to make a rule, that starts recording on a valuechange in a global variable. The global variable is a remote JSON based variable with a value of 0 or 1. On 1 the recording should start and on 0 it should finish. But the rule always shows 0 executions. I have tried the operators = and >. Please check if this is a bug.
Are you running Netcam Studio X (server) or Netcam Studio as a Service?
Can you also specify what you are doing so that I can recreate the situation.
Netcam Studio runs as Service.
I made the global variable like this:
The value is always correct.
Then I made the rule like this:
But, as shown, the rule executes not when the value is 1.
Have you tested this in NCS X (server)? I am asking because Windows limits what can be executed when running as a Service.
Now I have tried it in NCS X. But the result is the same.
Thanks for info. This is beyond my knowledge so I am forwarding this to our developers.
Issue confirmed. Netcam Studio doesn’t request variable value for Global Rules.
update: issue is fixed. Will be available with the next release.
Now I have waited about 6 weeks the update is coming out, now it is released but the issue is still there
The Rule Manager doesn’t react on the change of my global variale anyway.
Hi! We check into this asap. @Steve
The problem that has been found was that the remote variables where not refreshed if they were not displayed / used in the overlay. This should be fixed now.
Since 3-4 weeks there have been plenty of releases to test / review in this thread:
So yes now it’s too late for 1.3.5 since it has been released officially in case still doesn’t work.
I will however log a new issue and ask this to be tested / reviewed again.
Now, on it works fine. Thank you.
Thanks for reporting back!