We need a SAVE ALL settings button, instead of having to shutdown and restart netcam studio, in order to save all changes !!!
We need a SAVE ALL settings button, instead of having to shutdown and restart netcam studio, in order to save all changes !!!
Hi Harry,
That sounds a little bit strange. Can you be a little bit more specific. It will help. Usually, when these things happens it is the .NET Framework that need to be updated. If up to date, please give me some examples.
Not strange at all…
I’ve been using webcamXP for probably 20 years+ …
Click FILE, click SAVE SETTINGS… Any changes made, or cameras added are immediately saved, with that selection…
I added cameras to netcam, hours later the scheduled reboot occurred for that computer and later when I was going try something, (I forgot what I wanted to try), because I got to add the cameras again…
The only way I can find to save all settings after I’ve made any, is to click the netcam big red menu X, exit the software , then of course it’s necessary to restart the netcam software…
also, where are the overlay files kept ?? webcamXP overlays were so easy to edit manually…
also in overlays of webcamXP one could enter one string $time/n$date, the /n was a carriage return, so the time would be exactly above the date, rather than netcam where it appears I have to make 2 overlay entries, one for $time and another for $date…
I’ve found that webcamXP is the best webcam software out there, it only needed the camera configurations updated…
I don’t understand re-inventing the wheel…
I write my own html scripts and a lining webcamXP camera numbers with your scripts was so simple, netcam starts at ‘0’ that already makes it ridiculous…
NO CCTV hardware in history starts at 0, QUADs & DVRs, etc.all start at 1.
This makes creating scripts a challenge indeed !!
OK fine, now I understand what you mean ;).
Thanks for the input.