Script for netcam studio client to connect automatically to several servers from a host

Hi Maurice,
Nice setup. I would do it in the same way!
Here How to connect one NCS server with another NCS server can you read more about what I mean with connecting two NCS servers together. In one setup I use a separate high-end microphone and then a usb-cam just to see what is going on. The video and sound is mixed together in NCS under the tab Webcam/Local source. Sound and video are continuously recorded and stored locally. The video/audio is then transferred to the main NCS system (in which there are many more cams) just for viewing so I only have to login to one system.
We are in the process of developing NCS Security Management Server to which you can connect all your different NCS servers. In that system you can have different tabs for NCS1, NCS2, etc. to get a good overview.