Now that the option to send a captured picture from motion detection has again been included, what detail is required in the Value field for the Attach Pictures parameter? It won’t work if the field is blank but I don’t know what is expected there.
Great new development of the email function.
After some testing. The Attach Pictures parameter is actually a yes or no question. If you write Yes or any text a picture will be attached. If you write no there will be only text and no picture. Since it cannot be blank a checkbox or radio button would be great there.
Thanks Henrik. I actually tried it with “???” and also " *.jpg" and it
didn’t work. I’ll try it with “yes” and see what happens.
What version is this now working on? I downgraded from 1.4.7 as this feature was missing.
We are on 1.5.2. You find it here Netcam Studio 1.5.2
either yes or true are accepted values for enabling this