Stream url mjpeg width height does not do anything

I am trying to get a stream url in homeseer. It works but I have no control over the size netcam studio outputs. I have this url:

But whatever height or widht I put in its always the same.

Any ideas?


These values correspond to the resolution of the camera. Change that and the width x hight will change.

I just tested in a web editor ad it works fine. Maybe it depends on editor? I have this
img id=“mjpeg_0” src=“http://NCS-IP:8100/Mjpeg/0?authToken=xxxxx” width=“1920” height=“1080”/
Same resolution as the IP camera. Then I can scale to
img id=“mjpeg_0” src=“http://NCS-IP:8100/Mjpeg/0?authToken=xxxxx” width=“960” height=“540”/
img id=“mjpeg_0” src=“http://NCS-IP:8100/Mjpeg/0?authToken=xxxxx” width=“480” height=“270”/
and it scales Ok on the web page.