Test of Netcam Studio Pro (1.9.8) and MUSF

This is the last version of Netcam Studio. It is called Netcam Studio 1.9.8 and it will be unlicensed. The mobile apps will not be updated and therefore they are not available for download at Play Store and Apple Store. However, thay can be downloaded from other sites, see other topics.

This version NCS 1.9.8 is not fully updated to latest security libraries and some other Libraries.

I have updated from 1.9.5 to 1.9.8 on some of my systems and it all seems running fine.

This is a test version and if you want to test it remember to take a backup of the Server folder (located in ProgramData/Moonware) for all settings and also have the installation program for NCS 1.9.5 on a secure place is case of you need to go back.

NCS 1.9.8 and MUSF can be downloaded from this Dropbox (no need to login) Dropbox


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Hello Henrik,
Are there any new features or bug fixes in this release?
Will it still work with the old license?
I think… I’ll check the ability to send mail, as it didn’t work for me last year for some reason, although it used to work before.

Old license will work.
For email use gmail and the App password as desribed earlier.

Thanks Henrik, installed on my HV VM and it seems to be working OK and also with the existing Android apps that I have installed.

Edit: is there a change log published anywhere?

No. Just updates of old Libraries to better match Windows 11 and Windows Server OS.

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Hi. My name is Barry Sterley.
I need software and yours looks perfect . Initially I need it for 64 cameras but the client may grow to 100+
Can you guys tell me what the cost for a netcam system like that will be , and of coarse yearly licensing and support.
Barry Sterley
M&B Security Agulhas

Read the top post. NCS Pro is free. Support is not available from July 2025.

Only problem I am having is that when I click to hear live audio on a camera, the client crashes. Was always good on 1.9.5 so I may revert client but keep the server on 1.9.8

Thanks! I missed to check that.

I have the same problem, I can’t connect the webcam audio. In the previous version 1.9.5 I didn’t have this problem. Furthermore, the setup fails to install the service: NetcamStudio.Service.exe This is the log.

Is it possible to have a link for version 1.9.5? A thousand thanks

It´s a bug in the audio handling in 198.
Install service we don´t have a problem with.
As recommended all material should be saved since this is a test. However, here is a download link for NCS 195 Unique Download Link | WeTransfer


Thanks Henrik!!!
I have no problems with this version 1.9.5:

  • The program no longer crashes (in version 1.9.8 the crash was due to the Server.config file inside the folder C:\ProgramData\Moonware\Netcam Studio\Server).
  • The NetcamStudio.Service.exe service is installed correctly.
  • Audio is connected correctly

Sorry for my english, is very poor. The link in Wetransfer expired. There is anotheer possibility of getting the version 1.9.5? Thank you for the answer

Here is a link valid to March 15, 2025 Unique Download Link | WeTransfer
for download of NCS 195. Then install NCS 198.

Thank you Henrik, I will try to test the two versions (1.9.5 and 1.9.8) on two different computers. If I have any news I will let you know. Thank you so much

Hi Henrik,

I thought register so I could post a reply to this post. Whatever your reasons to discontinue working on Netcam Studio, I can safely say that it is the best DVR software out there. I’ve tested various different bits of software over the years, and they are either restrictive, not user friendly, or CPU hungry. Nothing I’ve tested comes close to NCS. For it to now be completely free is awesome, but also bittersweet to know that such a good piece of software will cease development. I just hope someone picks up the source code and makes good use of it.

So thanks for creating such a great piece of software, and all the best for the future!

Kind regards


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Hi Matt,
Thanks for the kind words! Yes, it would be great if someone could take over. We are hoping for the best.