Please note that we will not consider points like: did not want to install 1.5.5, we work and investigate on the most recent that we have made available here and that’s it, we’re not going to investigate on previous versions or mix of client and server versions.
Please also note that we have decided with Henrik that we are going to limit technical support for users which do not have a license to 20 or 30 minutes of our time per user maximum in a very close future. It’s not yet stated on the website or in the forum at this stage but it’s coming.
So first thing, update to 1.5.5, try on local machine first with netcam studio x, then with service + client and ensure you use an account with admin rights.
From the Netcam Client, for the same 30 minutes ( 1 square ) , I can not add both Record and Motion
However from Netcam studio X, I could do so ( have both Record and Motion for the same 30 minutes )
And that what happened yesterday when I tried to add Motion to my local webcam scheduler that aleady had Record.
I then tried to add Motion to my IP Cam (which had no Record ) and it worked
That’s why I thought that the issue was on local web cam only.
Once you use Netcam studio X to modify the scheduler of a particular camera, you can no longer use
Netcam Client to modify that particular camera sheduler.
The only way to fix it, is to remove that particular camera and re-add it.
Actually the second point is as follow , when you use Netcam Studio X to add both Motion And Record tor any same 30 minutes ( same square ) then you can no longer use Netcam Client to modify scheduler for that particular camera.
If you want to use Netcam Client again to modify the scheduler for that particular camera, then you have to use Netcam Studio X to
remove any 30 minutes (square) with both Motion and Record
Sorry, that behavior I cannot reproduce eve if I do my best . However, lets Steve have a look at the first one since it might have bearing on the second one also.
The windows account that I use to run netcam service does have right to modification files. I use the same windows account to login and run netcam as service for testing purposes
The problem occurs only where there is a combination of Motion and Record for the same 30 minutes for the same camera.
Here is my scenario test this morning
From Netcam Studio X add a camera
From Netcam client add the very same camera
From Netcam client add 1 motion to square Sunday at 0 hour, add 1 record to Sunday at 2:00 , save it
From Netcam Studio X add 1 motion to square Saturday at 0 hour, save it
From Netcam client add 1 record to Sunday 23, save it
From Netcam Studio X add 1 motion and 1 record to the same square Saturday 23, save it
From Netcam client remove motion from Sudany at 0 hour , save it, reopen and you’ll see it still there. From this point on you can
do any modificaiton you want from the client, it will never save.
From Netcam Studio X clear square Satury 23 which has both motion and record , save it
From Netcam Client, try any modifcation you want, save it , reopen the scheduler and you’ll see that the modiication is saved.
With your detailled steps I could reproduce a problem, looking in the client event logs would have directed me directly to the problem since it’s logging the exact error in the client logs.
So that it should fix this problem. It’s now possible to combine recording and motion detection in the scheduler.
What I don’t get is by what magic it was working in Netcam Studio X since they both use the exact same code and logic but well now it should be a supported scenario.
Here is my feedback after one day test on this version
Even though it allows to have a combine of Motion and Record in the same 30 minutes in scheduler, only Record was triggered, Motion Detected was not
If only Motion Detected is scheduled or manually enable (without Record), netcam will start the record as usual but will not stop at Motion end, it will stop only at the end of the Record max time and start a new file, just like the Record was enable permanently
I see that there is version 1.5.6 in test, hopefully it will be fixed