UnionCam Q5 1080P HD Wireless WiFi Security Camera, Indoor IP Home Camera, Video Surveillance with Motion Detection, Email and Mobile Alert, 2 Way Audio, Siren, Pet Monitoring Camera, RTSP Camera
2.Tab for Custom Source
Main stream URL : rtsp://username:password@camera-ip:554/stream=0.sdp
Secondary steam URL:rtsp://username:password@camera-ip:554/stream=1.sdp
Set stream type to rtsp_tcp
The ONVIF support is quite minimal. The camera shows up for discovery and settings can be viewed, but not modified via ONVIF. The CamKeeper application is quite handy for modifying several of the camera settings, including: time/date, fisheye, infra-red/night vision, alarm settings, quick change of WiFi SSID, etc.
The basic ONVIF link used in NS is http://192.168.xxx.xxx:8090/onvif/device_service … then enter the password you will create during initial cam setup - click “get profile” and select RTSP in 1920x1080 or 640x360 resolution.