I’m having some problem retated to ios app.
Loggin in works fine, but when i re-open the app after x minutes, it failes / does not reconnect to the server.
It doesn’t show something like : your session has expired, please login again, or even better: my credentials are saved, so just auto login in the background without even notifying me. Currently i have to force close the app, and restart it.
Another thing would be nice, to have something like pushover notifications implemented.
Furthermore, it would be nice to have some kind op option to: On: motionEnd, htmlrequest if time since last trigger > 5 minutes.
If there is motion, i receive 20 push notitifications in a timespan of 10 minutes.
For the webapp:
I want to use a raspberry pi with a hdmi monitor to show the live view on a screen. The rPi has no mouse, keyboard and loads a browser in kiosk mode (full screen) on boot. I don’t want to login, just want live view with x nr of cams.
So implementing something like: http://x.x.x.x:8100/autologon?token=myusertoken&page=liveView&sources=2
Of: being able to whitelist a domain / ip address for local network acces. So: connections from → login as user x
Regarding the iOS app it’s strange that you don’t have a message about sessions expired. Normally it just automatically goes back to login screen. On the other end, I have to admit that I didn’t retry 3.0.5 with the last two version of Netcam Studio and maybe it has a few undesired effects with the latest changed.
3.1.0 will be released soon and should work better but I’m waiting for a fix in the framework we use before pushing a new updated to the AppStore. I will try to later today at least update the hosted version on after including your translation: http://m.netc.am
Regarding notifications, it’s coming and it’s the big part that we are working on now. Just like SMS and centralized emails but we need the missing component of Netcam Studio family that is Netcam Studio Central allowing you to login with a NCS Account. It will come and it’s on the way. Probably a beta version this spring…
The WebApp sources are available on Github and provided with the package. We are providing a functional version and it could be modified to bypass the login and use a permanent token all the time however it’s not something that we are going to put in place at this time.
I like the hosted version, works great, fast although the libary items dont seem te play when i click play on chrome win 8.1
I will make a few changes to the translation file in the other topic, to make it more easy to understand.
NCS Central sounds interresting! Will see when beta testing is availible.
I will make a custom version of the webApp, planning on two way ssl client certificate authenticaton, no username password needed, just install a certificate on the device.
Playback seems to be working now, thanks for the update.
I see the header of the libary page doesn’t use the language file. Please take a look at that.
The status page shows a lot of (x64)(x64) at the server state.
Hey Guys – I love the Android app, however, when can we expect to see some updates to it? Suggested changes: –The ability to change between multiple IP addresses –Better compatibility for tablets –Better video sizing compatibility for Landscape mode –Carry some/all the server options over to the mobile app so an admin can make changes on the fly.
*–Add the Android material changes to the UI
Ability to change between multiple IP is already here in iOS so it will be in Android as soon as we publish the update.
(actually I though that it was released but maybe I forgot and 3.2 was apparently not published for Android).
Currently 3.4 is pending for iOS and as soon as it will be approved by Apple we will publish it for Android as well.
Changing the UI to relfect android, this won’t occur. If you have tablet compatilbility problems, please describe the problems a bit more. Thanks
Excellent! I have used this in the web client. I added a new server and of cause entered a wrong host name. Can I delete a server or edit the configuration some where?