Webcamxp Pro 7 and Foscam FI9828W black screen

Dear all

I have an IP Camera Foscam FI9828W.

Il have already install it on my computer.

When i connect the IP camera and test it , i get the following message :

HTTP/1.1 200 OK (it means my parameters are good ?)

However i can pan & tit the camera, it works fine. But i have a black screen !!!

Please give me a hand .

Please note that the camera works fine with Foscam Software !!!

Best regards

Which template / preset are you using ? Most Foscam cameras do require RTSP template to work (however they work). Using RTSP it’s not possible to use the Test button and test the connection, so you really have to fill in all the fields and connect it.


I use FOSCAM FI9828W template. This template is coming with webcamxp pro 7;

Which template do you recommand for me ?

Thank for your help.

Best regards

You should install the latest version of webcam 7 if you still not.
For FOSCAM FI9828W MJPEG, you must change the SubStream to 0 in the settings.
For RTSP streams, it will use RTSP port with the same port number as your HTTP port (default 88)