ZOOM issues snc-rz30p

Problems zoom snc-rz30p
Before going from WebcamXP to Netcam studio, I tried the free version with a sony camera snc-rz30p / 2 firmware 3.03. The Pan / TILt control works but not the ZOOM function.
Is there anyone who has the solution?

As of today that predefined template in NCS do not support zoom. The camera seems to be an older model so I don´t think it supports onvif either.

Hi Henrik

These cameras work perfectly with WebcamXP. Why not take over the existing
template of this software ?


Certainly a good question. It should be the same. What is the exact name of the template you use in webcamxp?

Hello Henrik.

I use the SONY SNC-RZ30P template.
The version I am using is I just did a test on the version 5.9 Lite with the same template, and in this version, the zoom does not work.
It should be possible to use the template version on Netcam Studio ?

Hello Henrik.
I use the SONY SNC-RZ30P template.
The version I am using is I just did a test on the version 5.9
Lite with the same template, and in this version, the zoom does not work.
It should be possible to use the template version on Netcam Studio ?

Thanks for info. Unfortunately, something went wrong in the transfer process. I have made a report on this and it should be in the next release of Netcam Studio. However, I cannot say when that will be so maybe you can stay with the working version in the meantime.

Hello Henrik.
I use a generic SONY PTZ template for my SNC-RZ30P and zoom fonction is OK. Why this template (Generic SONY PTZ) don’t exist on Netcam Studio ?

Yes, something is missing or mixed up. As you say there is no Generic Sony PTZ in NCS and I can’t find it in webcamxp 5.9. I have not access to version 5.5 just now. Can you give me the exact name of this generic template you have in webcamxp version 5.5. I assume it starts with SONY xxxxxxxxxxxx.

Hello Henrik.
The Template for SONY is named Network camera with PTZ in version

Thanks! I found the template in a very old file. I will make a new template in NCS with the same name. It will be there in the next rekease of NCS.

Hello Henrik. For this old issue sony snc-rz30p, i used NetCamTemplateID 179 on WebcamXP.
Is there the same on Netcam Studio ?

There is a template for sony snc-rz30p in NCS. To be sure if it works correct download NCS since it is free for two cameras and test.

Thanks Henrik.

Have a nice day.

Le jeu. 27 juin 2019 à 04:50, Henrik via Moonware Studios Community reply@reply.netc.am a écrit :

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