Bought a generic IP Camera (Picture attached, Amazon Link). Though in the product page it mentioned as some company name, from the box it appears that this is a generic, hence no documentation, no support.
Android App used V380.
In AP mode, it connected and work from mobile (using V380 app).
It can not connect to hidden wifi network. (This is just for future reference)
Camera connected through ethernet, mobile and computer (windows 10) are also connected to the same LAN.
Camera works perfectly from V380 app.
Now in computer:
I tried to get using NVCMS_LITE (MVCMS_Lite.exe, after installing VideoCodec.exe), the device manager never detects the camera, neither manual addition works (shows: please check whether XServer service been opened at front server or not)
From this link I tried:
not workd.
Downloaded ONVIF Device Manager v2.2.250
Supprisingly detects camera ip automatically. However, live video, video streaming not worked. Though, PTZ control WORKED.
In netcamstudio, this camera not listed (as this has no specific company name, though the model is very popular in Online Indian market)
Info using Fing app:
camera uses port 5050, mmcc multimedia conference control tool
Info using V380(5.9.2) app:
system app version: AppV380E11_EXIOPTZ_ETH_V2.5.0.6_20170927
system kernel version: KerV380E11_EXIOPTZ_ETH_V2.1.0_20160506
system firmware version: HwV380E11_EXIOPTZ_ETH_20160217
Please help for finding PTZ control commands and videos streaming url.
Sorry, but thatβs how it is with these cameras. I donβt see ONVIF so thatβs out. Port 5050 is a special port that is used for as you write multimedia applications. To connect using rtsp port 554 need to be open. You can search in this forum for v380 and see what other people have tried.
To have this camera work for PTZ, video and audio it must support ONVIF.
If it opens in ONVIF Device Manager take this URL
and put that URL in the tab for ONVIF Source in NCS for manually. Add logins and see what you get.
ONVIF manager I have:
Identification to certificates all shows: βMethod βGetScopesβ not implemented: method name or namespace not recognized.β
Relays shows:
The remote server returned an unexpected response: (400) Bad Request.
Webpage shows:
In ONVIF, the only working part is Pan&Tilt, i.e., movement of camera. No zoom, stream appears.
Wireshark gives nothing on rstp for computer to ipCam.
Packet Capture gives nothing on rstp/authentication for andriod to ipCam.
gives nothing means all are encrypted data no useful information in plain text.
I also tried:
port scanner shows port no 8899,8800,7050,5051,5050,5040 are open
For the V380 I use FFMPEG(H264) in iSpy with rtsp://192.168.x.x/live/ch00_0
For the V380E with ptz I use rtsp://admin:password@192.168.x.x/live/ch00_0
with admin/password being the actual login credentials for the camera.
I guess the login doesnβt matter. I never manage to get the ptz or mic/speaker working so I use
the iPhone app to control and use those.
The camera with multimedia port 5050 do exactly what it says to do. If you want it to do something else, well as long as port 554 is closed you will never get this to work with rtsp and neither with NCS. If you must use this camera look for a new firmware. Itβs been discussion in this forum about that and search the Internet.
The version I have in V380 ptz that works with rtsp are
There is a device upgrade function in the V380 app for iPhone and after a few weeks that I used the camera there was an upgrade available. I did that upgrade and the camera stopped working in iSpy. I had to change the configuration to the rtsp://admin:password@192.168.x.x/live/ch00_0 one. It was a totally different configuration I used before that but do not remember it now.
You probably have to look in the iPhone app to see what ip adress it contacts for upgrades and how it verifies firmware versions.
I have 2 of these cameras both have same firmware but seems one will work with the rtsp://ipAddr//live/ch00_1 β¦ my firmware reports as hwv380e12_wf3_ptz 20160217β¦ wish i could get it to work like the other one that has same firmware in it. They do work with the V380 app on phone but not with my sighthound or other vlc or things as such
Got the same camera. Firmware reports: hwv380e12_wf3_ptz 20160217
I can not see the stream with rtsp://ipAddr//live/ch00_1 but rtsp://user:password@ipAddr/live/ch00_0 works! (VLC.exe and ipSpy.exe)
Til now I have not found any way to access the web interface of the cam. So I have to use the V380 app
This worked for my cameras. V380 with
system app version: AppV380E12_PTZ_V2.5.6.4_20181126
system kernel version: KerV380E12_PTZ_V2.2.0_20160506
system firmware version: HwV380E12_WF3_PTZ_20160217
Hi I have the same software but I canβt update. in the sd I inserted only the unzipped files, but turning on the camera does not see the update. do i have to do anything else?
Anche io ho lo stesso modello e lo stesso problema. Sei riuscito a risolvere ?
La telecamera ora si compra a 13 $ . Eβ un buon rapporto qualitΓ / prezzo !