V380 stream url

Thank you for this post. This did the trick for me as well.
Firmware version:
In installed the ceshi.ini in the root dir of an SD card, switched off the camera, put the sd card in the camera and switched it on again. My camera gives voice messages to tell what it is doing. Some of the messages where suddenly followed by chinese messages. After booting, I let it on for a little while (5 min) (maybe it had to download new firmware or so, although I don’t think it did), and then switched it of again and removed the sd card. Then I rebooted. The chinese messages were gone now, just plain english, as before. A port scan (using masscan on linux) revealed that now the following ports are available: 8899, 554 and 8000. Port 554 is rtsp and I managed to get it working in VLC media player (open network stream, using the url that you mentioned in your post.